Joy Boggs

Kelsey Relana Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: 24
Full Name: Kelsey Sue Relana "Kels"
Height: 5'3"
Job: Monstrous Records recording artist with the voice of an angel
Weight: 240 lbs.

Most likely voice talent: Neve Campbell (Kiara in Lion King 2)

Personality: She's the spunky girlfriend of Randall Boggs. A good fighter and a loyal friend, she is a dynamite mix of personality. Kelsey's on the border of being a girlie-girl and a tomboy, liking attributes of both sides.

History: She has a secret connection with the Monster world's most notorious criminal, Xander, a ankylosaur-like mad scientist monster with serious attitude problems. Kelsey once worked for him, but couldn't stand his evil intentions to take over the world. She fled from him and he's been out to get rid of her ever since. Why? She's the only one who knows, in detail, his plans of world-domination. She then found an apartment in Monstropolis and a job at Monstrous Records.

That was how Randall came into her life. She was doing a charity concert for raising money for other, less fortunate monster countries when Randall heard her as he walked down the street. He fell in love with her voice, they met later on and they became boyfriend/girlfriend from there. Who knows if or when Xander might find her again. . .