
Wani Aikawa Character Reference

Species: Human
Birthday: July. 6th
Age: 10~13 (Genin)
Place of Birth: Current residence is Kirigakure
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Orientation: ?
Gender Identity: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/Her

Aikawa Wani 

Wani is a mist village ninja whose aloof and distant  nature make her more mysterious than other outgoing comrades.  She  quietly observes everyone and willingly may take part in antisocial  behaviors when in groups (Stealing, pranking, shirking  responsibilities). There is certainly more that meets the eye with  Aikawa. There is a sordid past associated with her parents, a lingering  truth that could ruin her reputation potentially at the village.
Some  have demons that mark them as pariahs. Wani had a father whose terrible  crimes left horrific scars across the many nations of ninja. A shinobi  who preyed upon the normal people he was sworn to protect. Instead of a  powerful, ancient machination of chakra, she will be haunted for the  rest of her life by being the offspring to a serial killer.
Will  she find friendships or be ostracized? Will she dare peel back the veil  of mystery about the late Aikawa to reveal an unnerving truth?

[Base Info]

Name: Aikawa Wani 

Gender: Cis Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 10~13 (Age could depend on story or roleplay she is in.)

Height: 143.5cm

Weight: 34.3 kg

Date of Birth: July 6th

Rank: Genin 

Village: Kirigakure

Status: Active

Place of Origin: A village within the land of Water.

Blood Type: B

Hobbies: Studying herpetology and telling scary stories.

Goals:  Wishes to change her last name.

Favorite Food: Tonkatsu, Korokke, and Kare Pan.

Disliked Food: Sashimi and Takoyaki.


A common misconception amongst shinobi is that most are too busy with  missions to be involved in criminal activity. While it is uncommon for a  ninja to be seen taking part in any sort of novel crime, it is not  unheard of. Any human can be bribed when put under financial strain. The  unchecked lack of mental services make for some potentially violent  individuals. But amongst those are outliers, both small and great, and  Wani's father would be both that. He was a chuunin for another hidden  village who worked as a small-time courier between other nations. He was  your regular, average shinobi with no outward traits or abilities that  would further his ninja career. He seemed to be a good citizen,  a bit  plain, and simple. People had a good image of him, and few would ever  think he had the capacity to even do missions above A-rank. He did his  job well, was never late, and had moderate enough success. He would meet  Wani's mother who lived in the Land of Water. The two would marry, but  due to being from another nation, he would leave often. He never missed  her birthday, visited whenever he could, and always sent back messages  for her to read. 

Around this time when the two of them met was when various women from  around the nations began going missing. These women were homeless or  destitute. Those who were homeless were not investigated, while the  traces of others kept going cold. Eventually, the crimes became serious  enough for a small, temporary task force to be assigned to investigating  the issue once one prominent socialite had went missing. Though enough  time and effort, they would find the bodies of the missing women  throughout the borders of the Land of Fire, the Land of Hot Water, and  the Land of Water. The victims had been mutilated and it was clear these  crimes were horrific. The perpetrator of them was someone transient,  yet there was evidence of lacerations made from ninja tools. With this  information, the task force was eventually lead right back to Wanis'  father. Upon his arrest he had confessed to his crimes as there was no  need to deny it. News of the killer's arrest swept through the nations  like wildfire. For one of the few times nations would come together on  something would be this man's execution. The killer met justice swiftly,  but it would not undo all the pain and misery he had caused. It was  unthinkable of a crime. How could such a respect shinobi commit such  terrible actions? All that hatred, unrelieved grief had to go somewhere  from the victims. Society was still rattled by it. It would take a few  years for people to stop talking about it. 

During the time of his arrest and execution, her mother had been  pregnant with Wani. Immediately the women was wrought with both disgust  and shock at what had transpired. The man she thought she had known for  years turned out to be some unrepentant monster skulking the shadows for  his next target. Additionally, she had married him, and thus: carried  his obvious last name. Her first priority was to somehow divorce someone  who had died, and change her name. During the process of doing so she  was met with vitriol and treated as a pariah of her current residence.  Everyone had seen and known the two of them. By extension, her mother  had already hated her child before she was born.  Dark thoughts had  encroached on the mother's mind about what to do, but instead she  ultimately decided to keep the child. Not out of want...but out of  sentiment. A grotesque, deeply twisted one. Her mother did not want to  suffer alone.  When she was born, her mother named her "Wani", meaning  crocodile. An animal she found ugly, debased, and the type to go lurking  in murky water. After that, she would move to the only place where she  could get some relief, and it was Kirigakure. 

Wani was a friendly and spirited child at first. Over the years, her  mother wore her down with veiled insults and derogatory statements. When  emotions were high, her mother regurgitated a bit of the pain she had  felt for years. On Wani's sixth birthday, she would learn the truth of  her origins by her mother during a conflict between the two. It would  injure her heart knowing her "stained origins". Her mother kept her on a  tight leash, making sure Wani knew that no matter what she did, she  would never be good enough, she would be hated, and would not amount to  much. Wani went doing whatever it took to seek her mother's approval and  affection to becoming distant and despondent. 

Her mother could not keep her forever though, and Wani would have to  be enrolled into some sort of school. Upon her mother's horror, Wani had  the aptitude for ninjutsu, and was referred to the academy. Wani took  great interest in it while her mother's animosity towards her own  daughter grew even more. She was convinced Wani was only going to go  down the pipeline and repeat the same sort of behavior her father did.  Regardless of her derogatory comments, Wani signed up herself, and  directly disobeyed her mother's wishes. The rift between daughter and  mother was irreparable, and a strong wall of indifference had been put  around Wani to shield her from her mother.  "Mother" to Wani meant only  someone who deems themselves obligated to take care of the children they  bare.  Her mother's anger only grew, but she had some sort of  satisfaction. She knew she had dragged Wani down with her, and the  little heinous secret about her father could be a nice knife in the back  for later. The two's home life resembled more of a pair of housemates  as Wani went to ninja academy. 

(Work in Progress.)


Eccentric - Quiet - Observant - Tendency to not take things seriously - Troublesome

Wani does not go the way many other do, and her own character is  different. Wani's emotional and at times - physical abuse - have warped  her perceptions of love and care. Those terms are foreign concepts for  her. Wani is convinced already at this age that only she is capable and  responsible for taking care of herself. She keeps to herself and is  quiet but is very interested in those around her though she never cares  to engage in small talk unless someone engages with her first. She works  well with others, is obedient to instructors/sensei, and yet has the  potential to have no qualms joining in antisocial behavior if convinced  to do so. It is less she does it for attention and more than "it was  interesting'. Wani has little fear of punishment, though takes them with  grace. Wani seems to be rather fair in that she treats others how they  treat her. She becomes a mirror to those around her, reflecting back any  good or bad treatment. A big fault of her is not taking anything  seriously in that a situation can become nothing more than a joke to  her, even when losing a fight or doing any mundane task. 

While her social "armor" is quite strong, she is still young and  impressionable, so there are a few weak points. Stately is the fear of  being anything like her father. Wani routinely wears wrappings around  her face, arms, and legs to obscure her visage as she believes she looks  quite similar to him. Anytime she hears his name she winches and  becomes uncomfortable. Underneath the usually calm and aloof exterior is  a budding paranoid personality taking root. She fears what her  classmates might think if they had learned who her father was, which is a  reason she maintains few friendships.

[Battle Capabilities & Jutsu]

Wani has notable strengths in ninjutsu and chakra control, so this would mean she could be proficient later on in medical arts or genjutsu. Her primary chakra nature is water, so water nature releases will be easier for her to master. In personal terms, Wani seems to be interested in summoning techniques, and is looking for contracts to make. The forecast for her development is unpredictable jutsu, tracking, and subterfuge.  A roguish fighter who melds well with teammates, keenly observes opponents, and will strike weak points viciously. May struggle with combat against one foe, especially those with above average skill in taijutsu.


Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Intelligence Strength Speed Stamina Handseals Total
2 1 2.5 3 1 1.5 2 2.5 15.5

Current Jutsus Known 

- Clone Technique 

- Water Clone Technique

- Body Replacement Technique    

- Transformation Technique

- Summoning:  Steelscale Crocodile (Imperfect)

Wani summons a crocodile just a bit larger than the size of a grown man in length. The crocodile is slow and lumbering on land, but is twice as fast when manuvering around water. The Steelscale Crocodile will naturally have an armored skin comparable to armor when full grown, but because this jutsu is imperfect, Wani is actually summoning a juvenile, so there are large patches where the scales have not yet appropriately hardened. This jutsu is great to provide mobility and obvious support when able to, as well as the animal having a powerful bite, capable of doing a great deal of damage. The downside to this jutsu is Wani is still unexperienced and has seemingly not yet earned full respect of her summons. Steelscale Crocodiles are notoriously difficult summons.  Later on there are particular Steelscale Crocodiles who are capable of moving faster on land and even grow much larger, but they require a lot more chakra and dicipline to summon.

- Summoning: Tracking Salamander

A summon in which an light pink axolotl with a complentary kirigakure headband named Hana is used primarily for tracking purposes. The axolotl is capable of speech and is extremely sensitive to chakra and scents. If given an article of clothing or some personal object, they can track down indiviuals as long as it wasn't too far away. Additionally, they can warn others about the presence of other chakra near them unless the opposition is capable of supressing their presence enough. Hana has no combat capabilities, is nearly blind, and will go down in a few hits. To protect themselves, they can be evasive and even regrow almost any part of their body that was damaged. Hana is an amicable and easygoing summon, but should only be used in missions where someone needs to be tracked, rescued, or when a team needs to lay low and they need a way to be warned of any signs from the enemy.