Heron Avery

Adam Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

 Adam was a man with red hair and yellow eyes that was not loved by many. He was always alone in school and had no good job.
 Adam grew up in a town that had no where to go. He finally bought a house that he had lived in for about a year or so. He got a job at a resturant and had good money coming in. He had a good life, but no friends.
 One day, he was walking on the streets of his New York town, and saw a beautiful girl. Behind the girl was a giant dragon a tall as a house and as long as a car. He had never seen such a thing. He tried to go up to the girl and ask questions, but the dragon behind her was a little intimidated by this act. Adam started backing up after trying to speak. It was a good thing that the girl knew English for some unknown reason.
  "Hello", she said,"my name is Heron."
  Adam could not belaive his ears so he told her his name also. They got aquainted and got together for some alone time.Heron had Bleik her dragon transform into a lizard so none would notice a giant creature rampaging around town. 
  Heron and Adam had liked each other from that moment on. Heron had no one else to go to otherwise. Heron and Adam soon fell in love with each other and decide to have a baby. Before the baby was born, Adam and Heron got married. Soon after, the baby girl was born and named Ryu.
  Heron and Adam had never had felt such a good feeling with other people but themselves. They thought their lives were perfect after finding true love and having a family. Thier life was perfect .
                The End?