El Thorvaldo Moderator

Tying Up Loose Ends - Episode I
Tying Up Loose Ends - Episode I by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 11th submission to DYOS VI.

In later threads, I became known for going out of my way to try to bring dangling storylines back into orbit of the main plot. Turns out I was doing this as early as Volume VI. Here I'm calling attention to the specialty of the Golden Fleet because... I don't really know, but it looks like it had something to do with tempting Coruscanti espionage. It also follows up on the Cookie Monster's consumption of the Monkey Statue, should people have had cause for inspiration.

This comic also indicates how arbitrarily Coruscant's political environment had been constructed. CivGeneral is referred to as 'Emperor', and during this time the country is referred to as both a 'republic' and 'empire' interchangeably. DYOS 10 retcons CG's imperial office out of the picture, but... it's worth bearing this tidbit in mind.

I know 'Elmo Sex Scandal' is a reference to a TV show... Probably The Simpsons.

Special guest appearance by D.I. Derek Grim of The Thin Blue Line.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt May 2013]

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