John Rios

Beer is good for the heart you know...
Beer is good for the heart you know... by @deaddays (John Rios)

Yep! It's true! Recent studies (I don't know how bogus they may be) have shown that drinking 3 times a week can help and prevent heart disease! Woah! Now THAT'S what college students want to hear! Anyhoo, this piece will be running under the a big-O headline that reads something like "BEER GOOD FOR HEART" or something. I dunno, that's THEIR job. I just do the funnies. Um, anyway, he fell back from all the surprise and stuff... in case you didn't catch it, but I know that you did because all of my readers are intelligent beings. And good-looking. Artwork © Copyright 2003 John Rios

Finished Work
21y137d ago
Other Work By @deaddays

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 23 January, 2003 @ 03:26 PM

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Im a college student and I think that is great! OMG that is so funny! Oh everyone in my college would love to read that! Good job! Lissy

Posted: Saturday, 25 January, 2003 @ 05:59 AM

"Scientists have recently discovered a pill with all the health benefits and flavor of wine without the risk involved with increased alcohol consumption. It's called a grape."


Posted: Saturday, 25 January, 2003 @ 07:20 PM

...and livers everywhere prepare for the worst.

Ha, great illustration.

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