Xalan Sourkrat

by @Xalan (Xalan Sourkrat)

WOW! I'm so proud of myself I could pop. ^_^ Although it was quite a battle between myself and my scanner to get this scanned in, parts got chopped off, so I'm not overly happy about the scanning. Looks better in Rl as well, but that's due to my lack of scanning talent. :P

This was partly a project for my art class, working with different medias to create an atmoshpire peice. Used paint-markers, conte` crayons, pastels and pencils for the background, and then markers and pencils over for Rock. Like I said before, parts got chopped off, and it's better looking in RL, but I'm so happy with this! Happy happy happy happy!

Rock's such a cutie. ^_^ My fangirly-ness for the day. ;D

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Xalan Sourkrat

Teen (VO)
Finished Work
21y125d ago
Other Work By @Xalan

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 04 February, 2003 @ 03:56 PM

Ooh..I love the texture created with the different media. It looks really nice. Your other stuff is really great, too.

Posted: Tuesday, 04 February, 2003 @ 04:22 PM

drools wow. and wow. I love that! It's a background falls over and dies of shock Hee! Do more, do more!

Posted: Wednesday, 05 February, 2003 @ 03:54 PM

OH MY GOD XAL!!! shrieks It's amazing! This must be the most beautiful pice of Metropolis fan art I have ever seen! I am not kidding! The power! The feeling! You have caught it all so beautifully and well. You are simply the Master Of Rock. Jesus. I'm gonna have ta print this out and stick it in my binder....wow...........

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