Denise Chan

Come here, little fishy
Come here, little fishy by @denise (Denise Chan)

Some days you're the angler, and some days you're the fish! ;)

Just a sketch I liked enough to upload.

openCanvas 1.1, about 15-20 minutes. I've got the .wpe saved so if you'd like it, just ask! :)

Rough / Concept
20y232d ago
Other Work By @denise

Comments & Critiques (6)

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Posted: Monday, 20 October, 2003 @ 12:16 AM

nise and a saying to verey deap but trow

Posted: Monday, 20 October, 2003 @ 09:45 AM

I'm trying to figure out how well this saying works.

'cos, on one hand, you're the fish, about to be eaten. On the other hand, you're the Angler, looking like someone's personal nightmare demon terror of doom.


I mean, from that kind of a standpoint, it's a lose-lose situation, isn't it?

In other news, Anglers are COOLIES SCARY.

Posted: Monday, 20 October, 2003 @ 10:34 AM

No, no - anglers are CUTE! XD hugs anglerfish 'Personal nightmare demon terror of doom', though, that doesn't sound too shabby either. XD

Actually I'm not really sure what I meant by that statement - was meant to be a pun on the dog/hydrant one, 'cept I was sleepy and confused. XD

Posted: Monday, 20 October, 2003 @ 10:32 AM

:D I like watching the .wpe file - it's like... "LOOK MOM! I'M DENN!"

The brightness of the little fishy's eye is a nice touch, it makes it all glassy and fishy. And you know I love them Anglers. ;)

Posted: Tuesday, 21 October, 2003 @ 12:09 PM

Thanks for the comment! Silly Jess. X3 Glad you like it - and yes, yes, ANGLERS ARE COOOOOL!!! :D

Posted: Saturday, 08 November, 2003 @ 02:44 PM

Ooo. Reminds me of Finding Nemo...sorta xP Yes, anglers and -byootiful!-

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