John Rios

Comicus Maximus PAGE 3 (finally)
Comicus Maximus PAGE 3 (finally) by @deaddays (John Rios)

HEY EVERYONE!!! MAN!! Sorry for the shortage of new posts!!! But if you ready my last little post, you know that I'm trapped under the rubble of school, work, and more work and school. It's not that I'm not drawing (I mean, one of my jobs is drawing cartoons), it's that I haven't had the chance to draw Kamikaze Kouger, and I don't wanna post till I've finished my run with it! SO HERE'S PAGE 3!! I know it's been a long time in the coming, but I should have page 4 up by this weekend!! Then I pass the mutha on to the awsome Lab Rat. So enjoy this jittery Kouger with the worst job on earth and I'll be back in a bit! Thanks for bearing with me!! -John Artwork © Copyright 2002 John Rios

Finished Work
21y270d ago
Other Work By @deaddays

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 12 September, 2002 @ 01:23 PM

LOL I love this, not only is it funny, but it's got great artwork, nice crisp clean lines, very nice. Good work on the inkage. I like this! Shweeeet job.

Posted: Friday, 13 September, 2002 @ 12:50 PM

Hey hey, fuuunie, it's his thirteenth try and it'd Fridaty the Thirteenth, nice!

Posted: Saturday, 14 September, 2002 @ 03:26 PM

AAARRRGGH!! BRITNEY SPEARS!!! Chews her like a bubble gum Peapole are stearing at me Eheh...

It's allright, that you haven't drew this comic, everyone is now little busy, so you have right to be busy too!

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Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.