Jesse Miles

You've been struck by, a smooth criminal!
You've been struck by, a smooth criminal! by @XioNightshard (Jesse Miles)

Some people thought it would be prejudiced or something to make a raccoon thief character... well rats in their eyes! Ransack is my character and I can make him whatever I want. Err.. yes, the title does refer to Alien AntFarm's song. Sketchbook paper, gel pen inked, and color pencils. Yep. He's © to me. Take him and you'll live in everlasting misery and turmoil. BWAH! >.<

Finished Work
22y248d ago
Other Work By @XioNightshard

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 03 October, 2001 @ 05:07 PM

::Runs to the page and trips over something:: O.o; Gah..Oh..Cool. Ransack! ^^ I remember him! He's so cute in this pic! Did he steal Destin's glasses or are those his? ::Blinks:: Time to go to another page to bugs ya.... ::Runs off::

Posted: Saturday, 10 November, 2001 @ 11:27 AM

I like this one the best, maybe it's just me, maybe it's his background, but I like this one the best. ^_^;

Posted: Thursday, 02 May, 2002 @ 09:34 AM

:D Oh, now.. that's a nice picture. ^~ Good work! xx; And just a small correction, the song's not Alien Ant Farm's - it's Michael Jackson's.

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