Rachel Vance

Pink Floyd!
Pink Floyd! by @sinnamon (Rachel Vance)

My half of an art trade with Reno, yes, it's her and Patats! Murgles are on ur shoes! Sorry i didn't draw you as a rock Reno lol...

Finished Work
22y79d ago
Other Work By @sinnamon

Comments & Critiques (6)

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Posted: Thursday, 21 March, 2002 @ 09:48 PM

Reeeeeeeenooooooooo! Reno Is Liek Meh Buddy! (So Are You...but so is she!!!) Woo! i have never heard of pink floyd! meep

Posted: Thursday, 21 March, 2002 @ 10:06 PM

I loooove eet! i look sooooooofun!

BTW wut didya want me to draw for ya again? =0o=

Posted: Monday, 25 March, 2002 @ 06:11 PM

what the heck?you don't know what pink floyd is!it's one of the most appreciated bands in the world!they were the second best in music in 1980 and your're talking to a newly eleven year old here!if i wre on side 7 you people would have alot more pink floyd pictures here!die elvis presly...oh wait tyou're already dead!i've known what pink floyd was before i was born and in mothers stomach!my dad would sing to me:mother,wish you wre here,the trial,learning to fly,and us and them,and who knows how many other pink floyd songs!pink floyd kicks butt(gludious maximus)and i,i,i,i,love pink floyd more than any other band!nsync,back street boys,britney spears*takes evil twins c.d.s and flushes them down the toilet*ah,i wish i could do that.i'm singing a pink floyd song at the mother daughter banquet at guides!yes yes yes,i am a girl.mother,the song is mother.and i'm singing in front of at least 60 people,the fans of pink floyd are more brave than the usual people,i for one,and i write songs like their in the wall c.d..one man wrote his emotions in song,and so do i.tell me if you want to hear it,it is really one of the best songs i've ever writen,yes,i have hundreds.

Posted: Thursday, 28 March, 2002 @ 09:47 PM

chill out frodo baggins, some people just dont know good old music. cant blame em, look at what music has become...

Posted: Wednesday, 10 April, 2002 @ 06:00 PM

oh,ok.i'm gonna chill out.do you want to hear one of my songs?!they're really good you don't know what youre missin out on.whenever pink floyd is on the radio,my dad sings with me,i can torture my sister,yeah,i'm still eleven.

Posted: Tuesday, 07 May, 2002 @ 06:13 PM

When all but one ceace to amaze me, It's a friendship worthy of something true, the bond between me and you.

I'm crawling in my skin, Come what may. I'm coming for my death, Come what may. I'm drowning in my blood,Come what may. I'm drinking all my tears, Come what may. I'm engraving words in my tomb, Come what may. I'm easing all my pain, Come what may, Come what may.....

yeah,that's my song.it flowed out of my hand onto the page like my well known national anthom,like an omen or sign.like a new friendship,then,the friendship dying,as quick as roger waters' wall was destroyed.i don't know who i'll meet,someone,anyone,some place out there i'll meet someone,and everything in my life will crumble away.....copyright to me!

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