Scorpion Lly

Bangladesh by @Scorpion_LLy (Scorpion Lly)

what this creature is, i am unsure, as well as what shes eating. a super colorful little fluffy squirrel/monkey/cat.. thingy. eating something like a cross between a cantelope an a cucumber it looks like.. note shes an alien kind of thing. liek what shes gnawing on. color choices mostly cause of the fact most of my things seemed to be mostly cool colored.. so i tried to get off the habit and add some warm color ta this.. wee bit old cause i was havign trouble getting started on the color. at first was gonna be super detailed but it didnt work out.. but still. im rambling. do forgive. and yes, i realize her eyebrow whiskers are a bit off.

Finished Work
19y90d ago
Other Work By @Scorpion_LLy

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 11 March, 2005 @ 04:11 PM

:D Darling gesture -- he looks very curious, you can tell how he'd move. Fun colors, too.

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