Kat Dugas

Neiro needs to work on his poker face...
Neiro needs to work on his poker face... by @katduga (Kat Dugas)

It's another FUUUUUUTUREE picture.....like...waaaay waaay future...cause it involves Timbre's kids again...

Anyhow, this picture was one of those that you just randomly 'see' in your head, and then it appears on the paper in the exact same light. This usually happens to me at 1 in the morning, when things seem a lot funnier. Well...I drew this picture and looked at it and immediately made myself laugh thinking about it.

That's Kary and Neiro...two out of a set of four kids (er, pups?). Kary's a bit of a personality, in that she has a very good (or is that bad?) temper, and is probably the most prone to violence...Neiro's pretty similar, though he's more laid back, and a bit of a practical joker. Thus the spider.

Kary: stomps up NEIRO!!! I found this SPIDER in my BED!

Neiro: Er...so? blinks as Kary dangles it threateningly above his head

Kary: Do you have any thought as to HOW it got in there?

Neiro: snicker Er...I dunno...maybe it snicker just kind of crawled in...

Kary: Yeah...especially due to the fact it is a RUBBER spider!

Neiro: loses it and starts laughing hysterically

Kary: Oh, you are SO dead... Artwork © Copyright 2003 Kat Dugas

Finished Work
21y43d ago
Other Work By @katduga

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 06 May, 2003 @ 07:11 PM

YAY!!!! Randomness is sooooo good.

Kas: puts his hand over his face More kids... ...

Sondilyn ^_^

Posted: Tuesday, 06 May, 2003 @ 09:09 PM

hehehehe....the thumbnail looks REALLY funny...but the real size is better giggles uncontrollably in the thumbnail it looks like Kary is going in for a ticklepounce. ^_^

Posted: Wednesday, 14 May, 2003 @ 10:38 AM

is on ground laughing her head off in between huffs if that was me with that spider...I'd freak, and smack nero to his shoes!is talking normal or at least smack him til he's numb!

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