B Sanders

Deep Operations Flag
Deep Operations Flag by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

I've been mulling over this one ever since I first came up with the concept. I finally got an idea.

This is the flag of Ekim's special operations force Deep Operations (Junasānes Kūdh), otherwise known as Deep Ops (Junkū). They are a special infiltration, reconnaissance, and sabotage group connected to Ekim's Tremor Command. Their main function is to deploy into enemy territory with only bare essentials and very little support with the intention of living on intense survival training. These soldiers are expected to live off the land and create as little footprint as possible while traversing enemy territory with one general goal in mind: disrupt enemy military operations. Of course, the minimalistic level which these soldiers operate at often requires them to use enemy munitions against them, even triggering the enemy's fail-safes if the option presents itself. They also receive instruction similar to SERE training in the event they are captured. This has often led to enemy soldiers horribly underestimating Deep Ops soldiers, often to a lethal end. However, one cannot normally tell a Deep Ops soldier from any other infiltrator until it's too late. These soldiers only ever operate in small groups, sometimes even alone, in order to reduce the likelihood that they will be detected.

The knife is a utility knife that is often the symbol of a Deep Ops soldier. They are taught how to use and care for this weapon so as to better perform their tasks. The three symbols are old mystic/alchemy symbols representing the elements of air (middle), water (left), and soil (right). These three elements are considered essential to a Deep Ops soldier's survival, and they, along with the knife, make up most of the Deep Ops' iconography. The text to the right reads "Deep Operations, established 1237", meaning the group predates the official establishment of Tsunami Command by fifty-eight years.

© 2023 B Sanders

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Monday, 04 September, 2023 @ 08:26 PM
Rating: 5


Posted: Monday, 04 September, 2023 @ 09:55 PM

@VerseOfDreams: Thank you.

Posted: Tuesday, 05 September, 2023 @ 03:21 AM

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