Courtney Davidson

Foxfire by @wolf (Courtney Davidson)

My interpretation of the Foxfire fairy ^_^ doing a bit of magic... is prismacolor pencil and standard mechanical pencil for outlining... gives it an interesting silver shine to the outlines that I figure is suitable for a fae-pic. Regardless, pencil-lining is much easier than inking over prismas >.<;

Finished Work
20y83d ago
Other Work By @wolf

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 24 March, 2004 @ 12:24 PM

Very lovely! As a fan of all things fox-related, this is a wonderful and unique interpretation of a vulpine aspect that not too many people know about. Your choice of colors is vibrant, but not painful to the eye. Giving the wings a fiery look was an excellent idea, and when I first glanced this image, I thought it was multiple tails at first. The shading is nicely done as well as the lighting. I cannot help but feel a sense of wonder at looking at this. Wonderful job!

Posted: Wednesday, 24 March, 2004 @ 11:57 PM

^^ Thanks... when I first colored the wings, they ended up pink! >< that didn't look too good... so I just shaded over them with spanish orange. Hehe, it's Miles Tails Prower!! With... five tails... ^^;

Posted: Wednesday, 24 March, 2004 @ 12:35 PM

This is very interesting and well done (: The colors are wonderful and I am just in total envy of your coloring skills. The way you made the fire spinning around itself is really nice, and how the fox's fur reflects that light...pure GENIUS! Really good job on this one ^^

Posted: Thursday, 25 March, 2004 @ 12:06 AM

Thank you ^_^ It's all prismacolor; the "colorless blender" prismapencil does most of the work, once you've laid the base colors down :) I highly recommend colorless blenders!! I wish I'd been able to make the fire-magic brighter, but the white pencil picked up the pencil-lines of the original sketch ><; so it dimmed it down a bit. The only part I want to work on, though, is deepening the shadows to give it a bit more contrast...

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