Amanda Lien

legolas by @alienfirst (Amanda Lien)

Went to see Fellowship of the Ring a couple days ago, and my sister and I spent the whole movie whispering to each other talking about how cute the elf-guy was. I didn't know his name (didn't catch it during the film) so I had to go home, dig out our copy of Lord of the Rings, and search through it. And here is Legolas, the cute elf-guy from the Lord of the Rings! I don't like the sketch. First try, I'll attempt a better rendition later.

Rough / Concept
22y165d ago
Other Work By @alienfirst

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Thursday, 03 January, 2002 @ 11:42 AM

his full name is legolas greenleaf,ivread the hobbit and the lord of the rings and near the end of the silmarillion,and im only 10 years old.....

Posted: Thursday, 03 January, 2002 @ 11:47 AM

i think its nice.....

Posted: Saturday, 19 January, 2002 @ 08:39 PM

Yeah....he WAS cute, wasn't he? (My friend and I drooled over him when we went to see it too....^.^;;) Love the pic. It's a good rendition.

Posted: Sunday, 27 January, 2002 @ 12:21 AM

OMG! I just LUV this pic! Legolas-kun! Wai~! Kawaii! Luv how u did his hair. ^o^v

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