
Greetings. Today here is a guide on how Discord Duel Monsters, a game often played on Discord, is played. This is what players need…

  1. Two people who have not blocked each other, to act as players

  2. The ability to start a GC

  3. A friend’s list

  4. The ability to invite

How it’s played

When playing Discord Duel Monsters, one’s friend list becomes one card deck. They use the invite feature in the GC to make summons and annihilate the other person’s summons. In this way, the game is like human chess but with Yu-Gi-Oh. Things to keep in mind.

  1. The amount of time someone’s Discord account has existed, something which is visible when you click their profile link, is their defense level. For every month they’ve been on Discord, one unit of power is added to the defense level. For example, if today was June of 2023 and someone signed up in August of 2022, their defense level would be ten.

  2. The person’s name acts as the type attribute. There are 26 types, one per letter of the alphabet, which refers to the first letter in their name. Every letter is single super effective against the first, fifth, and ninth letters after it, double super effective against the third, seventh, and eleventh letters after it, single not-very-effective against the second, sixth, and tenth letters after it, and double not-very-effective against the fourth, eighth, and twelfth letters after it. It follows a Caesar cipher formula, so for example if someone summoned someone with the letter Z as the first letter of their name, they’d be super effective against someone whose first letter was A. Every letter is evenly matched with the letter directly adjacent to it on the alphabet (e.g. A and N, B with O, C with P, etc. i.e. ROT-13 cipher). This all refers to usernames, not screen names.

  3. “Attacks” are responses. For every message one summoned person says, the opponent takes damage. When a summoned person has said enough messages that’s mathematically sufficient to equal the other summoned person’s defense level based on how many responses would be required based on the type attributes, the defeated summoned person must be removed from the chat.

  4. If a “duel monster” leaves the chat before a result is in, the remaining one wins that round, and every message begins to count as an attack again once the person whose summoned person left summons a replacement. If they don’t summon a replacement in time and the other person’s summoned person leaves too, it counts as the one who failed to summon someone else in time losing another round.

How one plays Discord Duel Monsters by @chaseawaythedark

The game where people send summons to victory!

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220d13h ago
Other Work By @chaseawaythedark

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