Jenny Romanchuk

Broken Moon
Broken Moon by @Ashwings (Jenny Romanchuk)

Ak! The moon e-splode! Hahaha... Blarg...I don't care for the coloring too too much here--I COULD have done better--but meh, it'll do ^_^ I noticed that my gallery was lacink furry characters so I made her up in like half an hour or so..and colored it! Kinda fennec fox-like--I like the design.

20y134d ago
Other Work By @Ashwings

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 25 January, 2004 @ 08:46 PM

Mm. It's kind of cute. Love that multi-colored eye. She's very pretty. Kind of reminds me of a jack-rabbit mixed with a bobcat. Even though you say the coloring is rushed and such I still think it looks great. Your shading and highlighting looks wonderful. I'd have to say I don't like her bow/weapon thing. Why? Because that's the main part where you notice the coloring was kind of rushed. Everything else is great. Nice background. I like the 'under the starts' or 'outside the Earth' kind of look it give off.

Posted: Sunday, 25 January, 2004 @ 11:30 PM

Yeah--that's the wierd weapon-like sword handel thing--is the part that I went REAL sloppy on...I shouldn't rush so much next time ^_^;

Posted: Saturday, 06 March, 2004 @ 11:21 PM

the coloring may be a little rushed, but i love the color scheme. The eye is gorgeous with the different colors and I love those ears. Other than the ears, the face reminds me a little of a deer...that may sound stupid, but it does. Good job on this one too! P.S. The coloring doesn't look bad at all.

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