John Rios

Crap TV
Crap TV by @deaddays (John Rios)

Let's face it folks, TV is crap. Yep. You heard me. A decade ago, that sentance would be blaphemy! I mean, we had Cheers, Herman's Head, Matlock, Ren and Stimpy, early The Simpsons, and Beverly Hill 90210! Now, all that remains on TV worth a damn is late The Simpsons, Futurama, and Everyone Loves Raymond. That's all. THAT'S ALL. It seems that the Network execs think we're idiots, pumping us with a new THE BACHELOR every 2 weeks, and the ANNA NICHOLE SMITH SHOW? JESUS CHRIST!!! Anyhoo, this is the first editorial cartoon of 2003 for the Collegian. My God have mercy on our souls. -John Artwork © Copyright 2003 John Rios

Finished Work
21y152d ago
Other Work By @deaddays

Comments & Critiques (5)

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Posted: Tuesday, 07 January, 2003 @ 10:59 PM

Oh, yeah. And Malcom in the Middle is furnny too. The Serpranos was great... um, and 6 Feet Under and Oz. But you have to PAY for those last 3. Screw that!

Posted: Thursday, 09 January, 2003 @ 07:28 PM

Amen, brother. It's a sad, sad time we live in.

Posted: Sunday, 12 January, 2003 @ 08:39 PM

(Laughs and cries at the same time.) :-D :*( Where have all the good shows gone? Long time passing. Where have all the good shows gone? Long time ago...

Posted: Sunday, 12 January, 2003 @ 08:54 PM

And Adult Swim, Cartoon Network! Adult Swim is good, right?

Or am I just a victim of cheap humor?^^

Posted: Monday, 13 January, 2003 @ 02:55 AM

Is that for my piece again? Aww.

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