John Rios

Frank Black (Black Francis)
Frank Black (Black Francis) by @deaddays (John Rios)

Oooooh MAN! So, I was thumbing through Rolling Stone at work (when I shoulda been working) and I came across a little article and made me jump outta my seat and squeal like so many piggies. The tiny article read, "PIXIES RETURN." WHAT?? YES!! The best band ever to grace our planet, the PIXIES is releasing a NEW ALBUM after breaking up in 1991!!! MY GOD! It's the famous PURPLE TAPE which is demo recordings they made in 1987. Oooooh MAN! I'm too excited. Pleasure overload! Pleasure overload! But I digress. I needed to pay homage to my fave band and this momentous occasion by drawing Frank Black (then known as "Black Francis"), the lead singer and still freakin incredible artist that embodies all that is rock music, playing an acoustic. This ones for you Frank! YEAAAH! P.S. I'm excited. :-) Share my joy! -Love, John Artwork © Copyright 2002 John Rios

Finished Work
21y355d ago
Other Work By @deaddays

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Wednesday, 19 June, 2002 @ 11:56 AM

Dies and then re-lives NO, FREEKIN, WAY! The PIXIES ROCK MAN! OH MY GOD! Thanks alot dude for the info! I'm gonna spred it around. Awsome picture of Black Francis man! Both you and your cute girlfriend rocK!

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