El Thorvaldo Moderator

Nuclear Fishin'
Nuclear Fishin' by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My fifth submission to DYOS VI.

One of CFC's in-jokes (that seems to be on the wane) is the 'radioactive monkey' that usually appears as the miscellaneous/joke option in forum polls. In homage, the DYOS 5 questing item, the Monkey Statue of Spamuzel, is purportedly radioactive. So, where else might one find such an object but the river that runs by the site of the worst nuclear accident in history?

The Bagdad Gab is ripped straight out of the comic book Palindromania!; the subtitle to the main article was copied from a cartoon of my own done in response to the desecration of the Qur'an at Gitmo in 2005.

I can barely remember how I was trying to justify the anachronisms here. To myself, I mean.

UPDATE 27-4-23: De-Russianized the adjective.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt May 2013.]

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