B Sanders

Kizuna by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

This is... an unnamed character at the moment. She is actually related to this character in that both of them are from metafiction works (hence Fae's mark). In particular, they are supposed be from a fighting game published in a different world in which both of these characters play on legends and myths of that world. This girl in particular is a member of a human race that was persecuted by the dominant nation of the world. The lyrics are a (misheard) song about the Holocaust on our world, something which this world also went through with a horrific degree of success. Her tale goes that, while waiting for mass execution, she inadvertently developed the magical ability to create and control light. Through this, she freed herself and others and went into hiding until the empire controlling that world collapsed. She then emerged back into the public looking to right the wrongs the empire committed. However, no one ever found out if she actually existed, and numerous incidents involving magic similar to hers have been attributed to her legacy.
The world eventually compiled similar characters into a 2D fighting game, sort of playing on the popularity of games such as Street Fighter and Tekken with a more native premise.

© 2023 B Sanders

Rough / Concept
1y113d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination
In These Portfolios

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