B Sanders

Officer Shimano Tahoko
Officer Shimano Tahoko "Taihou" by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

Another character from Radio Chatter, this time a side character. This is Patrol Officer Shimano Tahoko, also known by the callsign "Taihou". She is a member of the same organization as Sasaki and Sakai, but she is a pilot with the Fourth Air Team. As can be gleaned by that close-up of her face, she is also an incredible airhead who probably should not be behind the stick of any sort of air vehicle. She tends to frustrate or nauseate her passengers with her unsafe flying practices (which includes eating a prepared bowl of instant ramen while in-flight); that bootprint on the backside of her helmet is the result of one officer getting fed up with her behavior. Why she hasn't been fired is anyone's guess; many of their superiors tend to be pretty kooky as well.

© 2023 B Sanders

Rough / Concept
1y114d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination
In These Portfolios

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