Xalan Sourkrat

Interia colored
Interia colored by @Xalan (Xalan Sourkrat)

This beautiful linework (of her character Interia Red) was drawn by Stagsleap, and I colored it in with Prismacolor pencils. ^_^ I think I messed up on the hair-things, but the coloring came out fairly nice, despite my scanners eating the coloring blending... prettttty hair.....I wanna have hair like that...

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Xalan Sourkrat

Finished Work
21y94d ago
Other Work By @Xalan

Comments & Critiques (5)

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Posted: Friday, 07 March, 2003 @ 03:06 PM

This is cool ^_^. Nice work on the curles. That eye is great too! ^--^.


Posted: Friday, 07 March, 2003 @ 03:38 PM

Thanks! but all I did was color, Stagsleap draw the beautiful line-work. ^_^ pats pretty curls

Posted: Friday, 07 March, 2003 @ 06:41 PM

falls backward in chair from eeking too loudly and continues to eeek like a alien with it's finger's cut off.

Holy Mary and Joseph! laughs


Goody goody - it's finished printing. :)

I realllllly like this one. Mega-like. In my opinion this is your best colored pencil work yet! It's simply stunning! The blending is excellent!

I would color more of your stuff, but I have only 1 prisma marker (mulberry), but I'm hoping to add to my...err - collection - soon. Maybe I could try doing one in crappy non-prisma pencils....hmmmmm.

Haha - I have an obsession with linework. Teehee

Posted: Saturday, 08 March, 2003 @ 12:52 PM

Hey! You sound like me! Although my brothers' think it's the sugar talking when I go into and "eeekk-ing" fit...


I'm glad you liked it, it was so fun to color! I LOVE that hair! Ohhhh! You draw such pretty linework too, so it was lots of fun to color this. ^_^

Yeah, prismacolor markers are nice...but expensive..try Dick Blink arts, they have them fairly cheap, I'll try and find the website again, it's where I've gotten most of mine...they're much better than Blaine's, whom charge a small fortune for them...evvvvvvvvvil Blaine's.... ;P

Posted: Sunday, 09 March, 2003 @ 01:34 AM

Yes - the best price for markers I've found is 2.75 for one. I'm hoping I can find them cheaper some place....

Actually, the company name is "Dick Blick". I know this because we have big bottles their paint in the classroom and one day I was acting Rock-ish and I put some paint over the 'B'. makes Rocky smirk

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