B Sanders

Tsunami Command of Ekim Seal
Tsunami Command of Ekim Seal by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

Kehā dhannū sínukūrev ínt. Ye ā kehā zhāx hu’a heg kedūnā kia ādhaiv.
"We are a nation of nukuwre trees. Give us fire and watch our response." ~Bhedesh 'Annu Jmestín, 69th Chief National Executive of Ekim

Tsunami Command of Ekim is the Ekimian Navy. It is the second-oldest branch of military in Ekim, the oldest being Tremor Command. One of the major developments by the time Tsunami Command was established were cannons, so it became a feature of the tsunami at the center of the seal. The figure on the right is an Ekimian-style harpoon, specifically shaped to penetrate enemy hulls and pull them closer for boarding. (Of course, the actual harpoon is straight; the curved harpoon is usually featured in simple badges found throughout the service and even between services). Like Tremor Command, the text at the top reads "The Federal Republic of Ekim" while the bottom is "Tsunami Command" (Kurai Yazhbhaif). The text on the left is "Established 1293" and features starting with Tsunami Command because there is no formal agreement on when Tremor Command was actually established.

© 2023 B Sanders

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Saturday, 23 December, 2023 @ 03:52 AM
Rating: 5

The outer design of this suggests it could be worn as a medallion or pendant.

Posted: Sunday, 24 December, 2023 @ 05:52 AM

@Chaos-Mirror: Each branch of this nation's military uses the branch's seal as a rank device reserved for generals who serve as military advisors to the federal government. I'd also planned for certain badges to also feature the outer design, as you would expect from a navy.

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