Daisy le Toast

Yay, Tallest
Yay, Tallest by @small_frosted_creature (Daisy le Toast)

It's Chester! Or Purple. But i will continue to call him Chester, because i just like to. :D

Half of a drawing i started in class during a lecture in April, and colored in Photoshop. Despite the fact that it's three months old, it's still my favorite Tallest pic that i've done. In fact, i tweaked it and made it my lj background, so i could look at it allllll the tiiiiiime... o.O But you don't have to. You can move onto something else, if you want.

I think this was the picture where it first dawned on me exactly how useful layers are in Photoshop. Now i'm not really sure how i survived without them.

Finished Work
19y330d ago
Other Work By @small_frosted_creature

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Tuesday, 13 July, 2004 @ 05:10 PM

Haw! The purple Almighty Tallest! Awsome X3 wow, you nailed Jhonen's style! Why, oh, why can't Nick bring back Invader Zim? T_T o well, the second season is coming out on dvd in august, at least, that's what I've heard =3

Posted: Thursday, 22 July, 2004 @ 12:58 AM

I love how you managed to make him so skinny! He's so very skinny! You really nailed JV's glorious style (even though it's already been said)

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