Carmen Ramos

Mecha mecha
Mecha mecha by @carmramo (Carmen Ramos)

Standing roughly the size of an Eva unit, alive and perhaps even sentient, is Unistar. Though she does seem to be Evaish, or even Angel-like. She is not related to either of the two beings. She carries a pilot inside of her, dubbed a Donor. They are called such because they 'share' blood during the time they are bonded as one. That is to say, if Uni is hurt as is the donor, both suffering from the same damage. Uni's strenght depends now only on itself, but also of its Donor. If its donor had been hurt by a battle before hand, it too will be weakened. It moves as if alive, using the very mind, body,and soul of its owner...both are one.. o_O Yep,thats what Uni is.

Finished Work
22y334d ago
Other Work By @carmramo

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 05 December, 2001 @ 09:10 AM

you know i have drawings of robots like that only i call mine livin metal. but cool drawing how did you get the wings ikle that can you tell me .you can view my work on this site also

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