Hannah Lupton

Pencil Test =>
Pencil Test => by @hannlupt (Hannah Lupton)

Yeah, I know it's physically really small, but I had to do that because it kept going over the 200k limit (I thought it was 300 o.o;;) Anyway, this was an art/film school project called "transmorphosis" so I decided to do Hana going from mobian to kitty form ^_^ She looked like a cross between puss-in-boots and thos "evolution of man" posters at one point in the animation laughs

I'll try to do a better one in the future o.o;;

20y234d ago
Other Work By @hannlupt

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Saturday, 18 October, 2003 @ 06:59 PM

really cute little animation Hana, I'm sure there's a way you could make it bigger without the file size getting too large o.o Ah well, still a cool animation, keep up the hard work at college, I'm sure you'll do really well.

Posted: Saturday, 18 October, 2003 @ 08:10 PM

The only way I could think of was cutting and pasting 42 times, and frankly, it'd take less time just to rescan the whole thing ^^;;; Which is what i'll do after inking it. I just wanted to put it up so that people could see a rough copy of my project. Well, I better get to inking some of the frames ^^;

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