Isabelle Davis

Kindred Spirits
Kindred Spirits by @drakhenliche (Isabelle Davis)

Blackjack and his (occasionally) loyal steed, Knightmare. Given their frequent 'personality clashes' it seems at first surprising that these two have tolerated one another's company for as long as they have but they are in a way kindred spirits, having both lost everything that they were to demonic powers. Whilst Blackjack has regained at least some memory of his former life and can even regain his true form on occasion, for Knightmare there is no way back to his once noble unicorn self - even his true name is lost to him. All that is left is a twisted, hateful creature that delights in harm and spite though his overriding hatred for demonkind surpasses his ill will towards other beings. Despite the common goal, Knightmare has been known to turn on those around him, including his master. Luckily for Blackjack the worst he's suffered during one of these 'episodes' is a few broken ribs but he always has to keep half an eye on the beast.

No, I don't know what they're looking at. And yes, I still need to work on my equines I drew a picture of these two not long ago but was really unhappy with it (which is why it's not appearing anywhere other than my site) so I decided to have another bash at 'em and this is the result

Finished Work
18y211d ago
Other Work By @drakhenliche

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 06 October, 2005 @ 11:42 AM

HOLY PIE... Those fangs! O_O drool

Posted: Monday, 21 November, 2005 @ 10:47 PM

OH..MY..GOD..! this is AWEESOMEEE!!!!! i LOVE that unicorn/dragon thing with fangs!! its so COOOL! XD oh god this is so amazing i love the way you colored and shadowed it its so awesome! excellent job! definitely one of my favorites! ^__^

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