Anne E. Gipple

Llilith by @annegipp (Anne E. Gipple)

I finally succeeded in drawing a decent anthroform for my Demon Llama character. I have decided to call her Llilith. The electric bass guitar inspiration came from the need for her to be holding something in the pose I put her in. Then I realized.. between Llilith's bass and Cyberraga's tambourine, I have the beginnings of a rock band of demonic farm animals. Dont be surprised if you see demonic sheep or chickens or something in the future.

Flash and shameless acts of Photoshop. What am I most proud about? I got away with decently cool lighting effects without using a SINGLE filter!

Finished Work
22y292d ago
Other Work By @annegipp

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Saturday, 08 September, 2001 @ 06:50 PM

Did someone say "demonic chickens"?? J/K Spiffy lighting in this'n.. wouldn;t want her mad at me.yeep.

Posted: Sunday, 04 November, 2001 @ 12:41 AM

how does she play bass with hooves??? but anyways. its a great pic-- love the colouring. do demonic chickens with the animal band. like, a chicken drummer or something. that would be fun.

Posted: Sunday, 04 November, 2001 @ 01:50 AM

LOL uh.. I wondered that too as I was drawing it. I later changed her character design, and she has actual fingers in the Rolling Stone pic.

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