Kim Gavlas

Ingram contre Malgred
Ingram contre Malgred by @kgavlas (Kim Gavlas)

Angelside, Demonside. Ingram the Wild Affection battles Malgred the Madness Gears. The two nightmaren majorae are based on two of my chao babies- Ingram is a Hero Beast chao, and Malgred is a Dark Beast chao.

This is the first time I've drawn Malgred with an expression other than his usual Marty Feldman-eyed, mindless grinning face. The splatters around his crushed arm are supposed to be blood; originally I'd coloured it red, but it blended in with his costume, and his blood's supposed to be blue anyways.

Ingram is actually shorter than his match Malgred, but the evil 'maren has a broken neck, and can't hold his head upright. And he's doubled-over here.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
22y203d ago
Other Work By @kgavlas

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 12 December, 2001 @ 01:46 PM

holy zolas! WOW drops dead your artwork is SO dingin incredible! I like folk who can draw the marens and not make them look like cutesy pokemon rejects, they are nightmare creatures gawd dammmit, and you definately are V. apt at portraying this:) points to the sky ONE DAY, ONE day i will get to you guys level in pc art, muh, until then i'll just drool way down here in the depths, muh:D Great stuff.

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