Jessica Holden

Fat by @Anrui (Jessica Holden)

Plaster sculpture made from a cast of my body using plaster bandages. It was torture -.- And so was carrying it to and from class for critique. Plaster is very heavy...

"Fat" carved into an obviously thin stomach, symbolizes that many young girls today believe that they are fat when they are not.

Mature (N)
Finished Work
19y81d ago
Other Work By @Anrui

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 17 March, 2005 @ 09:40 PM

This is really interesting. So you got naked and lay in plaster to make a cast of your body for an art project? That strangely enough sounds really fun. I think you've made an interesting statement here, too--it might have been a little more pronounced if you'd made the word 'fat' bigger or bolder. :;sigh:: I unfortunately am one of those girls that thinks they are huge when they're not... so I understand the irritation the rest of the world has for me. I just need to learn to change my own opinion!

Posted: Thursday, 17 March, 2005 @ 10:41 PM

Well, I didn't think it was fun... but then it took three tries to get it right, and got stuck in places (very painful to pull it off) and staying still long while it dries gets very uncomfortable very quickly.

The word "fat" is more noticable on the actual sculpture; because of the flash of the camera it doesn't show up well. Perhaps you're right though. I may carve it a bit deeper at some point.

Posted: Wednesday, 23 March, 2005 @ 12:01 PM

Oh, wow. Never seen anything like this before - it is incredibly cool! Sounds like a lot of fun to do too. I bet it was cold waiting for the plaster to dry though - or is it the sort that gets warm as it hardens?

D'you plan to do anything else with it, or is it finished as-is? I reckon it's good as it is now - doing more would make it lose its subtlety, I think.

Posted: Wednesday, 23 March, 2005 @ 03:15 PM

I'd like to sand it a bit to smooth out some of the roughness before I call it finished. I may also carve "fat" a bit deeper, as well. Other than that though, it is finished.

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