Artemis D

Jack sparrow on deck
Jack sparrow on deck by @Artemis (Artemis D)

This is my 2nd oil painting ever! I have mastered th oil now! =^.^= I love this painting of jack ! I think ill add on to it more though and fix up a few things.

Finished Work
19y159d ago
Other Work By @Artemis

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Friday, 31 December, 2004 @ 02:35 AM

Your second? Nicely done indeed, especially since it's a human subject. I suppose if I have to point one thing out it would be to make that the sea is still kind of monotone. I think it's because although there's different shades of blues, there isn't enough white, like when the sun casts down on the water and makes it sparkle. I really like this piece.

Posted: Friday, 31 December, 2004 @ 03:27 AM

thanks a bunch ! i feel i could of done better on the face but then again thats how it looked in the imagei used. i absoluty agree with you about the sea, but its mor efoa mid afternoon then a evening when the sea woudl be colorful...maybe thats what i will work on in this image! but thanks much that helped !

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