Kat Dugas

Art Trade with Freezair
Art Trade with Freezair by @katduga (Kat Dugas)

Like the title says ^_^ It's Freezair's Zelda character Posie. I'd drawn two sketches, but the second one scanned in a little more dark then I liked, but it managed to find a home on the colored version anyway. I like how the eyes came out on both of them.

Finished Work
21y315d ago
Other Work By @katduga

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 05 August, 2002 @ 11:28 PM

GEEEE! The cutenes.. it overwhelms me... WAIIIIII! stealhugglepic, then huggle Kat I like the colored on, and the other nurfty little sketch thing. The pose is quite nice. Muchly t'ankku to you! Now for me to do Magus...

Posted: Tuesday, 06 August, 2002 @ 07:11 AM

Whee! I like this pictyure! Yes I am still hungry and brain dun't want to functyion correctly...I likes the eyes! Oh...gotta go look at the cute recycleing guys on the truck! ^_^back! Sondilyn the I just saw cute guys and still is hungry...

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