El Thorvaldo Moderator

Letters to Thorvald - Whither Zarn?
Letters to Thorvald - Whither Zarn? by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My sixth submission to DYOS VIII.

Contributor to DYOS 7, TheBladeRoden picked up essentially from where he left off, leading an infernal army to revenge against the surface.

This was the first of what was intended as a mini-series complementing Molotov Recaps, with famous authors better known by their pseudonyms writing in questions about overlooked plot details, ultimately only followed up (as of this writing) in DYOS 10. In this case, where the heck had Zarn got to since his last comic in the thread?

(In an amusing inversion of the cliffhanger posed here, his character would ultimately resurface in Imperial flavour in DYOS 11.)

TheBladeRoden © himself.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt December 2022.]

Teen (LVO)
Finished Work
1y28d ago
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Other Work By @Thorvald

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