Elazul Jumi

Elizabeth Done
Elizabeth Done by @Laprislazulknight88 (Elazul Jumi)

Although I might add a background later ... this is the final thing. I colored it in with colored pencils and I finished up in Photoshop.

Finished Work
20y145d ago
Other Work By @Laprislazulknight88

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 13 January, 2004 @ 10:14 PM

Cute design for the character. I like the detail you've added by curling her bangs lightly--it's very nice. Her downcast expression is also very cool, and draws more attention to her dress-which is plain but still a very nice design.

The folds in the sleeves and chest area are rather well done, but the ones on the skirt are too stiff and don't seem to fit. If you drew them like the ones on the sleeves, lighter brown, they would fit more. You have a pretty good impression of where they are, but they don't need to go all the way down to the edge of the dress unless that's the way the dress is cut, with seams like that. Otherwise, just doing what you did with the sleeves and bending the hemline will do just fine.

You have a really nice design here--simple is best, for sure!

Posted: Friday, 16 January, 2004 @ 08:21 PM

Thanks! But the light brown and stuff is just because my scanner messed up the colors; the grey looks like brown. And yes, I don't like the skirt either but ... once it's in pen it's permenant. But still, thanks a bunch!

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