
Draco the amazing bouncing ferret ;-)
Draco the amazing bouncing ferret ;-) by @alhena (Alhena)

One of my favorite scenes in GoF. I had a bit of trouble drawing this, as the ferret first looked like it was being electrocuted, and then it was floating in the air rather than jumping. Oh well, can't have everything, I guess. ;-) Freehand drawing, first sketched on paper and then scanned and colored in the computer.

Finished Work
20y63d ago
Other Work By @alhena

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Monday, 05 April, 2004 @ 05:02 PM

YES, I love flying ferrets. In addition to it being a ferret, and flying (or bouncing i guess) the effect on the fur is superb. It really looks like one of my friend's ferrets when it is jumping around his basement.

Posted: Monday, 05 April, 2004 @ 06:15 PM

Go, Mad-Eye, go! Draco looks a little rumpled. Mwahaha. I love it. He looks severely distressed and the fur is awesome. If it wasn't Draco in there, I'd feel sorry for the little fellow; you can definately see he's quite panicked.

.. but since it IS Draco, I'm going to just laugh. Great work!

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