Chrissy Templin

My Eyrie: Tokikohana
My Eyrie: Tokikohana by @Fyregryphoness (Chrissy Templin)

My Eyrie from Neopets, Tokikohana. I did this entirely on the computer. First I sketched it onto Adobe Elements with a Wacom, then did the outlined and then colored it. It tried to do a somewhat anime-style to it. I hope I did okay. ^^" It's been a long time since I've tried anime-styled shading....

Anyway, if you're wondering why she looks so different from a normal eyrie, it's because she's part Fire Lupe and part Starry Eyrie. Or...visa versa...I haven't devided yet. X_x Her design isn't final, though I particularily like the colors so far, and the little fire wing birth-mark on her shoulder. :)

Please do not steal her design or use her in the BC/AC on Neopets! Thank you. =)

Image and Character © Chrissy-Lee Templin 2005 Eyrie © Neopets at www.neopets.com

Finished Work
19y55d ago
Other Work By @Fyregryphoness

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 13 April, 2005 @ 04:52 AM

Sheee's cutttee! ^^ Love her back paws, and her perdy fire-tipped wings. She sparkle of her mane is also a good touch :D You made it look very...sparkly!

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