El Thorvaldo Moderator

Attack of the 50ft Sergeant
Attack of the 50ft Sergeant by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

Another piece that took far more time than the end result justifies. Background was a rush and I debated throwing this into scraps, but the four characters turned out almost exactly as I'd hoped, give or take Peter's left hand, which I might've managed better had I not literally drawn myself into a corner.

One thing that's always puzzled me about macrophilia is how virtually all the characters you'll ever see stride about like they own the damn place. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for Strong Female Characters™, but given the square-cube law, Murphy, and the general rule of averages, there's bound to be at least as many klutzes.

Oh yeah, these things usually have stories:

NEW PORT, 13:37h

CG: "...And that concludes the demonstration part of the tour."
Thorvald: "Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. So when can we expect to receive these ships?"
CG: "Oh, about the same time as you wrap up Part II, HUEHUEHUE"
Thorvald: :fffuuuplz:

Meanwhile, in the experimental wing...

Dr. Ivan: "This sucks. I'm missing Wallander."
Peter: "You can head on up, if you want. I'm almost done."
Dr. Ivan: "Hah! Nyet."
Peter: "Ooh, look at this contraption! 'Force Multiplier X-10. Warning: Do not use inside UNESCO World Heritage Sites.'"
Dr. Ivan: "Sounds like some sort of fetish fuel. Don't touch it."
Peter: "—Oops."

Back upstairs...

Rudolph: "Mikhail, where's Peter?"
Mikhail: "Down in the experimental wing, I think."
Rudolph: "What, alone?"
Mikhail: "Good God, no. The Doctor's keeping an eye on him."
Rudolph: "Well I guess that's—"
The building quakes in a sudden tremor.
Rudolph: shudders

Five minutes later...

TV News Anchor: "...We go live to our roving reporter Chase McStory, on the scene of the anomaly."
Reporter: "Well, Karen, I don't have a tape measure, but I'm pretty sure he's taller than Liberty Prime, so I guess communism wins!"
Peter: "HA! HA! Enjoy rush hour, suckers!"
Thorvald: "I swear to God, this wasn't my fault! He wasn't even supposed to be on this trip! You understand me, right CG? ...CG?"
CG: stares at scene, mildly aroused
Peter: "I can see Palin's house from here!"
Mikhail: "So how fast can you whip up a fix, Doctor?"
Dr. Ivan: "I dunno, I'm kinda busy this month... I might be able to squeeze in some time Thursday next..."
Thorvald: "Dammit, man, this is a matter of life and death! Yours, to be precise!"
Mikhail: "Well, it's not like Peter's deliberately malicious. All we have to do is clear a path out of the city and he can—"
Peter trips on a banana truck.
Peter: "OH CHYORT—"
Rudolph: shudders
Demoman: "Thankfully I already don't remember this."

CivGeneral © @GenMarshall;
The Demoman © Valve.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt July 2014.]

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