John Rios

Jimi No Like Cover Bands
Jimi No Like Cover Bands by @deaddays (John Rios)

Ok, so you play a cover in your set. Maybe 2. No problem, hell, it's fun and it can liven up a show. I don't wanna go to no damn show and watch a venue of a frikkin band playing nothing but the top 40 just to cover up the fact that they have NO originality or talent. They're trying to convince people they're cool by playing songs that are cool, with one difference, THE PEOPLE TO CRATED THE SONGS WERE COOL, THEY'RE NOT. THEY'RE PLAYING SOUL-LESS, CRAPPY RENDITIONS IN ORDER TO TRY AND RIDE A WAVE THEY HAVE NO PART OF. It's a lie, it's a fib, it's false, it's, yes, it's A FARCE. Personally, I'd rather listen to a bunch of bad original music that a bunch of technically good covers. Covers give me nothing. And I'm sure Jimi would agree with me. Oh, this is for the Collegian running with a story about the same thing. Did I mention that? Enjoy. -John Artwork © Copyright 2003 John Rios

Finished Work
21y39d ago
Other Work By @deaddays

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Thursday, 01 May, 2003 @ 07:40 PM

AMEN, BROTHER MAN! Mind if I print this out and stick it on my binder? I just love it!!

Posted: Monday, 05 May, 2003 @ 04:54 PM

I think you are talking for most of us here. Amen indeed.

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