Clover White

The Kiss
The Kiss by @Clover (Clover White)

I has just read a fluffy manga when I drew this. It must have rubbed off on me......fluffy

20y257d ago
Other Work By @Clover

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 24 September, 2003 @ 10:03 AM

Pretty good. Kissing is a pain to draw. The heads are well done. The bodies however are out of porportion. The man's arms are bent in an impossibly position. To avoid this I recomend drawing the skeleton lightly before you draw. It helps you see how arms and other parts of the body can and can't move. First thing you learn in figure drawing. :) The girl's body is bent at an ackward angle. Always try take the pose yourself before drawing it. My art teacher made me do this and it helps amazingly. Hope that helps. :) You show a lot of promise. I look forward to seeing future works.

Posted: Wednesday, 24 September, 2003 @ 05:32 PM

I wish I had an art teacher. I have never had any kind of art class. I'm just going on what I have learned on my own. I think the guys arms were too short.....tryied to fix it but gave up.

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