Daisy le Toast

They RETURN! by @small_frosted_creature (Daisy le Toast)

My first Side7 upload! Awww. The most recent incarnations of Munchie the cat and Wally the wallaby. I created these guys in about fourth grade (hence the terrible Wally/wallaby thing XP ), but they've gone through a few evolutions since then. Also, i'd never seen a real wallaby, and wasn't aware that they're actually quite small ... maybe i could solve both of those issues and just say he's a kangaroo. shifty eyes

Anyway, i haven't drawn these guys since about 1996, so this was fun.

19y330d ago
Other Work By @small_frosted_creature

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 13 July, 2004 @ 03:52 AM

Welcome to S7!Interesting style you've done them in.

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