Martin Gray

A tearful Ren and Stimpy goodbye...
A tearful Ren and Stimpy goodbye... by @martgray (Martin Gray)

Boy, Stimpy, We sure had fun today didn't we... Come on, Stimpy: Say "Goodbye". Um... Where are we going? Our series was cancelled... Hey, See you in reruns. RERUNS? When are THOSE? Pretty soon- Don't worry. Pretty SOON? HOW LONG IS THAT?!? In a little while, Man! WAAAAAH! A little WHILE?!? What'll we do till THEN?!? Well, you could boycott Nickolodeon for messing with their most beloved show... Or watch "Invader Zim" and be glad that they're finally listening to what people want... WAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! I KNOW- You could draw one of the first(Just found out someone beat me to THE first) "Ren and Stimpy" fanart to be featured on Side7.com! OH JOY!!!(Hugs Ren, crushing him.)

(Seriously, people, I'll let the fact that I did the first Felix the Cat fanart slide, but Ren and Stimpy deserve some fan art on this site too. Let us not forget them.)

21y199d ago
Other Work By @martgray

Comments & Critiques (6)

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Posted: Saturday, 30 November, 2002 @ 10:51 PM

You're right. Those two definatly deserve a lot of credit. I loved that show and still do. But why did Nickelodeon have to get rid of show and my other favorite, Rocko's Modern Life.

Very good art though.

Posted: Sunday, 01 December, 2002 @ 02:23 PM

Oh man, Did I love Rem and Stimpy. I miss that show, along with Rockos Modern Life, AHH! Real Monsters, and Angry Beavers. Great job on the picture! I wasn't even aware that Nickelodeon went back on cancelling Invader Zim...

Creepy www.side7.com/art/chrikacz/gallery.html

Posted: Sunday, 01 December, 2002 @ 06:39 PM

OMG! I SO remember this show. This was one of my favorites as a Kid! ~hugs her Ren plushie~ ^_^ Me and my friends when we were younger used to pretend we were Red, Stimpy and Sven! My other favorites were AAHHH! Real Monsters!, Rockos Modern Life! They always get rid of the good shows...v.v...They need a total reality check.

Posted: Wednesday, 04 December, 2002 @ 11:10 PM

Ah, Ren & Stimpy, my first real obsession with a cartoon. I look at this and all I can say is, "Jooooyyyy..." ^^ Back when it was still on the air I attempted a whole bunch of drawings of these guys (all of them are completely lost now. Gimme a break, it was over ten years ago), and this may have been the first show that I'd seen that positively convinced me I wanted to be an animator. Yes, these two definately deserve a place here, and I think there may be some hope for Ren & Stimpy yet since I read in TV Guide a while ago that they're supposed to be showing the classic R&S episodes on TNN sometime in the near future (uncut and un-Nickelodeonized ^__^), AND maybe making some new ones too. Very good news, and I just hope it's true, but hey, it's something to hope for. Love the drawing ^-^

Posted: Tuesday, 17 December, 2002 @ 08:04 PM

If it makes you feel any better, this is the fist Ren and Stimpy fan-art I've seen here. Great work! I've been hoping for more art like this.

Posted: Sunday, 04 January, 2004 @ 08:39 PM

...I was going to draw Ren and Stimpy fanart. O_O

On Spike TV (Thats TNN's new name) has Ren and Stimpy on it,except its more Adult and even MORE vulgur.

I saw it once,but my Parents wouldn't let me see it again. I'll just watch the Nickleodeon-fied version on NicktoonsTV (Thats where Nickelodeon stashes their canceled shows.)

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