
  • Unloaded Chunks
  • pixilator
  • /galleries/2/206/20683/thumbnails/audio/small/a2620b54afe325853c1e2d9bd8d75e1d05285bf5.png
  • /galleries/2/206/20683/originals/audio/a2620b54afe325853c1e2d9bd8d75e1d05285bf5.mp3

Unloaded Chunks by @pixilator (pixilator804)

Unloaded chunks are direct entryways to the void.

Minecraft is very nostalgic to me, so why not use the pretty nostalgia chords of C major? This doesn't come from Minecraft, it's an homage to C418, I just wrote something in his style.

First scale, ascending: C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am, Bdim, C. Very sweet and light. Hopeful and optimistic.

Second scale: Asus2\B, G\B, Am\C, Gmaj6, Bdim, D9sus4, F\A, C\G. A darker and pessimistic sound, before becoming lighter midway, and then resolving back to sweetness.

_The second scale contains major chords, suspended chords, minor chords, and diminished chords. If major chords create a sense of lightness, and minor chords a sense of beauty, then suspended chords create a sense of liminality, and diminished chords are unstable._

Is the Asus2\B resolving to Am like Asus2 normally would? In a sense, yes. With B as the bass note, it goes through G\B [another lovely major chord with B as the bass] before going to Am\C. This little walk creates a sense of 'affirmation' in an unstable scale --_ "yes, I think we're in the key of A minor, but something's different."_

_By having the pedal tone of the first half of the main melody B instead of C, it gives an unresolved feeling until the second half of the main melody where the pedal tone switches to A. In the bassline melody itself though, the first half's pedal tone is C. This causes dissonance._

Added some subbass to give a slightly sinister feeling in the second scale.

Crossposted to tumblr here.

© 2024 pixilator804

[I didn't have artwork for this one so I just used something I made back in 2022.]

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