John Rios

Give Me Patriotism Or Give You Death
Give Me Patriotism Or Give You Death by @deaddays (John Rios)

A young woman got mobbed and taunted and booed at her college by her fellow students because she refused to salute the flag. Hmmm, I can think of a time when standing up for what you believe in was a good thing. If Americans didn't stand up against patriotism from England, we wouldn't have America! But in these post 9/11 days, you've got to be CRAZY not to be patriotic, right? You HAVE TO love america ALL THE TIME and HEAVEN FORBID you have you might be OPPOSED to how things are being handled! Nope. Can't do that. Being unamerican is WRONG WRONG WRONG. Gimme a break. Artwork © Copyright 2003 John Rios

Finished Work
21y99d ago
Other Work By @deaddays

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 02 March, 2003 @ 06:49 AM

Good point! ^_^ And good picture too!


Posted: Sunday, 02 March, 2003 @ 08:32 AM

Nice picture... I'm a Brit so I'm watching all this from outside the fishbowl... I think you'll find this interesting, though...




Posted: Friday, 07 March, 2003 @ 05:01 AM

hah! i love the 'i heart america' touch on the tshirt!

Posted: Wednesday, 12 March, 2003 @ 10:07 AM

This is great. There comes a time when patriotism starts turning into xenophobia and racism… just hard to know where the line is these days…

I just spent a while wandering your gallery againIt's good to see you're keeping up the wonderful high quality!

Keep up the good work!


Posted: Friday, 14 March, 2003 @ 03:29 AM

This picture makes soo much sense to me... I totally agree with Kaine. Bah! Great pic though.


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