Katie Luna

Devil in Disguise
Devil in Disguise by @Kachie_Runa (Katie Luna)

This is a picture I did in art class. It was a project that we had three hours to do... O.o ... (that's a really short time for me....) We were told to make our own record album cover. We had to make a group name, four songs, the album title, and the picture of course. I wish I had more time to do more shading and to refine it. I might continue to color more on it later and fix it up a little...but for now I'm leaving it like this....

oh, and yes, I realize I have very sloppy writing... the songs are: Pacified, Dead, Hidden Inside, and My Perception. The album name was Devil in Disguise, and the groups name was Torn. (Which you can't see because the picture was too big to scan. )

Finished Work
20y238d ago
Other Work By @Kachie_Runa

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 13 October, 2003 @ 08:08 PM

Interesting concept! I like how the good side blends with the evil side. ^_^ Nice job!

Posted: Tuesday, 14 October, 2003 @ 02:11 PM

This is definetly one of my favorite pictures on Side 7! I really like the idea of two halves, angel and demon, like that, and you did an excellent job of rendering them--in three hours, no less? Wow! The coloring is excellent, I LOVE the dark red. I am definetly very impressed by this picture, I'm gonna have to add you to my museum to see what other works you can come up with. :)

Posted: Tuesday, 12 July, 2005 @ 11:43 AM

Wow the colors blend in so well with each other. Great job ^^

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