Millenia Syke

Dark Schneider
Dark Schneider by @WaterGoddessMillenia (Millenia Syke)

Hee hee...I had much fun with this drawing lol. He's my favorite anime character by far that goes by the name of Dark Schneider. I was kinda unsure about drawing him at first because I know if one thing goes wrong in the drawing he can end up really looking like a girl. So anyway I decided to give it a try and this is what came out <3 Don't you just want to hug him?

Finished Work
20y95d ago
Other Work By @WaterGoddessMillenia

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 08 March, 2004 @ 08:10 PM

You did just fine in making him look like a guy ^^ I didn't think he was a girl for one second. However, I did and still do think he's hot. XD Good job!

Posted: Monday, 08 March, 2004 @ 08:21 PM

Thanks ^^ lol I think that he's one of those characters that either you like him or you don't. Personaly im not all drooly over him but he's a real funny character in the manga that why I like him so much. <3

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