Ana Nyte

Time by @Cyanide (Ana Nyte)

This is my image of the angel of time. Her hands are tied because time is not free to turn back. Her wings is one organic to represent actuall passing of time naturally, and one mechanical to represent how people record time using devises and all artificial aspects of time. She is walking down the staird bacause as time passes humanity's morals fall lower and lower. She has only one eye because time can only look forward. Once again, horrible scan, I hate the damn mashine

Teen (N)
Finished Work
20y170d ago
Other Work By @Cyanide

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 09 April, 2004 @ 02:06 AM

Where in the world do you get your warped mind? I like this one more then the original pic, but must you make that skin so grafic? shudders and that wing, you have way too much time on your hands missy, lol Still, great symbolism, as usual, I love the detail, and I like how you fixed the mechanical wing, the old one was just pitiful.

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.