Ana Nyte

Pixy thief
Pixy thief by @Cyanide (Ana Nyte)

As the title says, she stole a piece of cloth, but as she was getting away through the branches and bushed she tore her old clothing. Guess she will have to use the cloth to make herself new ones. A pretty pointless and rather old picture, but I still like it for some reason.

Teen (N)
Rough / Concept
20y81d ago
Other Work By @Cyanide

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 18 March, 2004 @ 12:04 PM

This picture has a very cute, original feeling to it. I like the diagonal composition, the way she flows across the picture. I would love to see a colored version, although I find it unlikely if it is old--you've probably gotten sick of it, ne? Happens to me, at least. I really like the stars you've added in the background, they add the sparklyness to the pic. The tears in her clothing are very creative and nicely done, and I'm impressed with the little bracelets and other jewelry you've added. They give her such a faery-feeling!

Now the question is, did she steal the cloth after her clothes get torn? Because if she stole it before, why isn't it torn as well? Hmm. Beautiful curls, I forgot to mention that as well!

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