Masiel U

vigo by @Camazotz (Masiel U)

this was a pencil skecth on a shitty notebook i found at a seconhand shop for like less than a dollar yeah that’s the notebook’s backstory, i heavily edited the picture so it looks cool now

Finished Work
147d23h ago
Other Work By @Camazotz
In These Portfolios

Comments & Critiques (15)

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Posted: Monday, 04 December, 2023 @ 08:30 AM

Yeh actually does look cool.

This is merch T shirt type of stuff.

Has almost a skater vibe.

Considered doing your own merch?

I think both you and Kilotar have very marketable styles for that type of thing.

Posted: Monday, 04 December, 2023 @ 08:50 AM

@The-Wizard-of-Zaar: omg this means a lot, i never considered turning my stuff into merch like shirts, only prints

Posted: Monday, 04 December, 2023 @ 08:53 AM


And you're big into that Juggalo scene yeh?

So easily stuff marketed towards that.

Posted: Monday, 04 December, 2023 @ 09:04 AM

@The-Wizard-of-Zaar: oh RIGHT, but couldn’t i get sued for making money on fanart ?

Posted: Monday, 04 December, 2023 @ 09:07 AM


Whuddye mean?

Isn't all this your original stuff? Like the wrestling thing and all that?

Are you thinking I'm talking about making ICP merch or something?

Posted: Monday, 04 December, 2023 @ 09:08 AM

@The-Wizard-of-Zaar: yeah i thought you meant making icp stuff

Posted: Monday, 04 December, 2023 @ 09:09 AM

@The-Wizard-of-Zaar: but hyeahh all the rest is original they’re all my original characters

Posted: Monday, 04 December, 2023 @ 09:12 AM


Yeh so what I'm saying is... You take your original ideas.

Whether it's this wrestling thing or something made specifically for sale as merch.

And bang, got an idea there.

I could imagine it appealing to a lot of people, particularly in the realm of that nichey alternative crowd, whathaveyou.

Posted: Wednesday, 06 December, 2023 @ 03:11 AM
Rating: 5

look at that colorful nose nose nose he cannot find love because of it he cant find love because he needs to keep his mask on all the time all the time even when he uses the toilet he has to even in his sleep that means he cant find love thats why he keeps bothering Del just because he can find love but he cannot even he is not angry about Del situation he feels way too much jelous and hides those intentions in a playful matter going on really brutal matches with him in the perhaps hopes that he will get del or perhaps because he cannot be loved feels no connection to others the only way he can is through these maches that could totally be a possibility yes he does not have much a regard for his own safety that is why he will end dead at some point maybe thats the turning point in the story in which del is forced to take off his mask and retire maybe just out of the scandal or out of guilt what makes me think if losing the mask was rigged from the start then Vigo's life ended as part of this rigged situation which it makes depressing as vigo seemed to only enjoy these hardcore maches with Del even there could be his last ones cannot take out the idea that perhaps Vigo was aware Del killed someone or could potentially kill someone and was waiting for the moment for that to happen to him maybe theres more deepness to him that is let shown just by the sketches either way we will wait to see if vigo's ingury was even lethal in the first place and if in any way is involved with Del's retirement that begs the question why does Del retire? was entirelly just because the almost or lethal injury of Vigo? or is entirelly unrelated? there is just way too many posibilities on why that could even ocur Even then what will Del do after his career? will he still be with Tecuan after this? As i am pressuming maybe it will be better for him, after all this kind of life is way too hard for some people specially Del who did not seem to have it all well specially considering the hardcore matches he joined and the injuries he suffered staying away from it might help him. we just need to wait and where this cinematic masterpiece takes us next.

Posted: Wednesday, 06 December, 2023 @ 03:24 AM

@Bai-jiu: no puede ser vigo quiere morir a manos de Del

Posted: Wednesday, 06 December, 2023 @ 03:25 AM
Posted: Wednesday, 06 December, 2023 @ 04:07 AM
Rating: 5

@Camazotz: yo nada mas dandole profundidad a un personaje que no lo tiene

Posted: Wednesday, 06 December, 2023 @ 04:42 AM

@Bai-jiu: VIgo es un personaje muy profundo melo acabas de demostrar

Posted: Wednesday, 06 December, 2023 @ 04:44 AM

@Bai-jiu: lo guarda todo debajo de la mascara

Posted: Wednesday, 06 December, 2023 @ 05:15 AM
Rating: 5

@Camazotz: a ver el lore para mi es que no es luchador de verdad (por eso de la mascara bootleg), y tiene como medio obsesion con Del simplemente por que la obsesion llega a tanto que es como su unico motivo de vida y solo sonrie pq cree que el proximo match podria ser el ultimo o asi

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