Hannah Lupton

SURPRISE, JOHN! ^___^ by @hannlupt (Hannah Lupton)

I decided that this "heavy duty 3D project" to be an interior of the ShadowHunter's Bridge =) I hope you like it. Tried my best to make it look good, despite my instructor failing me on creativity, because I didn't fill it to the brim with "stuff" ^^;;; Anyway, this will be colored and textured...it'll just take a month that's all ^^;;;; anyway, enjoy! => Oh! and his fanfic, "The Enforcer Saga" can now be found here:



20y203d ago
Other Work By @hannlupt

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 21 November, 2003 @ 03:42 AM

Ah bad luck on that stuff with yer instructor ><;; I used to have fun with teachers too. Don't let it get you down though, you've only just started you're not expected to be perfect just yet ^^ Keep up the hard work chuck.

Posted: Friday, 21 November, 2003 @ 06:48 PM

Aww thanks Neon ^__^ Glad you all like it at least =)

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